Ouvert tous les jours de 11h à 19h — Entrée gratuite —  Infos pratiques 
Tous les jours 11h-19h – Gratuit –  Infos pratiques 


For Noémie Sauve, inspiration always begins in contact with a field. This exhibition presents works from two scientific expeditions – Tara (2017) and Vulcano (2021). On site, she collects data, samples, colours and shapes. Back in the studio, by exploring multiple formats and techniques, between drawing, sculpture and chemical reactions of materials, she seeks to recreate the invisible and threatened worlds of corals or the incandescence of a volcanic stone. Noémie Sauve navigates freely and without hierarchy between the naturalistic and fantastic registers to create works that, in the mode of analogy and diversion, invite us to wonder and inquiry.

The Beaver Festival

Multidisciplinary evening in the exhibition The Deep Time of Rivers by artist Suzanne Husky, winner of the 2023 Drawing Now Prize. On April 6th, the eve of International Beaver Day and the closing of the exhibition The Deep Times of Rivers, let’s meet for an evening of experiences in honor of the people of the …


Exhibition Aurelie Nemours Prize 2023

Aurelie Nemours, Structure du silence, 1983, Huile sur toile, 80x80cm

In 2000, Aurelie Nemours decided to create an annual prize that bears her name. The Aurelie Nemours Prize rewards any artist, regardless of his discipline, whose work pursues the rigorous and spiritual plastic quest that has been his. She wrote: “Thinking that art is a struggle against the disarray of our civilization, I firmly believe that the spiritual charge of art is the only recourse and salvation.” In 2023, two artists will be rewarded: graphic designer Irma Boom and painter Hans-Jörg Glattfelder.

Practical information

Drawing Lab17, rue de Richelieu — 75001 Paris info@drawinglabparis.com +33 (0)1 73 62 11 17 Opening hoursEvery day 11am – 7pm Mornings reserved for groups Free entryGuided tours are offered for families and school groups subwayPalais Royal – Musée du Louvre lines 1 and 7 Pyramides line 14 BusPalais Royal – Comédie Française lines 20, …


A dessein

Dialogue between Suzanne Husky, winner of the 2023 Drawing Now Prize and Lauranne Germond, curator of the exhibition. The story of Suzanne Husky’s approach and her works will open the way to a reflection on the role of the artist, her commitment and the transformative potential of art at a time of ecological emergency. The …



The Pulp-e project questions the construction of the image, in its reappropriation, in its writing, in its transposition, includes the body, in order to make us wander through possible narratives. The title refers to the specific typology of pulp (popular comics) and the addition of the E proposes a concrete meaning, the pulp. A hybrid title, the exhibition will present several states: scenarios, set elements, films. The popular and folkloric forms taken up and drawn by Benjamin Hochart will go beyond the framework of the sheet of paper and the Drawing Lab will become the theatre of a new narrative whose various scenarios will be activated by the spectator.

« Nous qui désirons sans fin »

Karine Rougier, the 2022 Drawing Now Prize winner, offers a unique group experience in her 2023 solo exhibition at the Drawing Lab: “Nous qui désirons sans fin”. Awarded the Drawing Now Prize in 2022, the artist is taking advantage of this invitation to propose a real collective walk. From drawings realized with graphite or gouache to paintings, via watercolors, and from films to slideshows, her exhibition offers more than one story. This exhibition is a collection of stories by Karine Rougier and her special guests. Like a plunge into drawing, the exhibition invites us to play, pick a card and read a new world.